
Work faster and more accurately

Find the right vehicle

Enter a unique identifier (number plate, typenschein, KBA etc) and get up to date accurate information on the vehicle from the most accurate data providers.

Find the right parts

Integrate directly to market leading parts suppliers. Search parts catalogues without having to re-enter your login credentials or vehicle information.

Create professional offers

Import parts information from leading suppliers. Create professional quotes in seconds without having to order the part. Share Quotes digitally with your customers.

Schedule accurately

Import working times. Use them to set the duration of the job when scheduling. Drag and drop the Job into your calendar. The Job appears automatically with the right timings in the Mechanics App.

Order parts

When a Quote is accepted, WERK8 remembers the parts you need. To order them, simply click on the shopping cart button to go to the order page.

Import fitting instructions

Download repair and fitting instructions and import them into WERK8. These appear immediately in the mechanics app. No printing. No paper. No wasted time.

Track progress

The Mechanics App is always in sync with the Garage Owners App. See when a mechanic starts work, pauses or finishes a job. When the job is complete WERK8 automatically compares the time the job actually took with the expected duration. You can add whichever time you choose - planned, actual or custom - to the invoice at the touch of a button.

See how much money you are making

Regardless of which accounting system you use, you can export your data quickly and accurately. Directly integrate to Bexio, export to QuickBooks, Xero and Sage, or create your own custom export file.

Get paid before you pay suppliers

Easily check parts supplier invoices against inventory. You will see which parts are in inventory, which have been allocated to customers, and which of those invoices are paid and unpaid.

Get paid faster

If you have set up a direct connection with your accounting system, WERK8 gets update feeds so that you can see paid and unpaid invoices directly in WERK8.

Boost the value of your business

Fill in the survey and we will send you a personalised report showing what’s possible when you run WERK8.